Kendra follows the antics of The Girls Next Door's Kendra Wilkinson. The blond bombshell finds herself at a crossroads in her life as she leaves behind the luxuries and amenities of the legendary Playboy Mansion and ventures out to live on her own for the very first time. Newly married to Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver Hank Baskett, Kendra struggles to find a balance between being a housewife, her newfound domestic duties and the fun, uninhibited lifestyle she has always lived.

After she moved out of the Playboy Mansion, Kevin Burns approached Kendra and offered her a show of her own, with Burns pitching the show to E! as "Kendra ... [moving] out and [living] with two roommates and it would be something like Three’s Company with her being a hot, hip-hop version of Suzanne Somers". However once Kendra revealed to Burns in September 2008 she was in fact in a relationship (and weeks later, engaged), he realized the show he had envisioned wouldn't become a reality and instead "ended up with a romance between Kendra and Hank and their engagement".